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mardi 22 décembre 2015

Going For An Assortment Of Soy Products For Menopause Relief Naturally And Safely

By Kenneth P. Thompson

Menopause is characterized by the termination of menstruation. It is a life-changing moment especially because it tends to impact a woman's daily living. If you have reached this stage, it's a good idea to consider eating a variety of soy products for hot flashes. Going for these nutritious food items can help you deal with some of the unfavorable symptoms naturally.

The many different symptoms of menopause are brought about by the decrease in the levels of estrogen in the body. This hormone is also the one that regulates the menstrual cycle. It's for this reason why a woman's period ceases once she enters the menopausal stage.

When the symptoms are severe, it is possible for women to seek medical treatments prescribed by their respective doctors. HRT is one of the well-known treatments available. Short for hormone replacement therapy, HRT involves the administration of estrogen. Other types of treatments are also available for women who want to manage the severe symptoms of the menopausal stage.

Many unfavorable side effects are linked to these various medical treatments, and a lot of women are scared of them. Some of these side effects include the increased chances of having stroke, blood clots and even heart disease. It is said that breast cancer risk may considerably increase too. It's for these terrifying side effects why so many women refuse to receive treatments for the unwanted symptoms of menopause.

Fortunately, dealing with the different symptoms associated with the menopausal stage can be done in an all-natural approach. There are certain food items available that are said to contain chemicals capable of replicating the action of estrogen. If you have already entered the menopausal stage and its symptoms are bugging you, consuming the said products may offer help. These food items are soy-based such as miso, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soybeans and soy sausages.

So many women love the benefits they get from consuming soy products for hot flashes. Having hot flashes can be very bothersome especially because it leaves you feeling feverish. Your chest, neck and face tend to feel warm. Because skin in these areas may also end up reddish, it's easy for anyone around you to tell that you're having hot flashes.

A lot of women take soy products for night sweats. It is a symptom that is closely associated with hot flashes. If you are feeling feverish and sweating a lot while in bed, falling asleep at night can be challenging.

There are so many other unfavorable symptoms that can be managed with the simple addition of soy and related items in the diet. Some of them include headaches, depression and insomnia. The effectiveness of soy items against the different symptoms caused by the menopausal stage is the so-called isoflavones present in them.

Isoflavones are plant-based chemicals known to replicate the action of estrogen in a woman's body. By including food items with isoflavones in the daily diet, it is possible to have the many different symptoms of menopause managed. This can save a woman from the need to undergo HRT as well as take other medications that tend to produce unfavorable side effects.

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