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vendredi 23 janvier 2015

Benefits Of Anxiety Psychological Services Calgary

By Karyn Shields

Anxiety is a common ailment among many people across the globe. To start with, it is not abnormal as it describes a normal reaction to a situation which warrants it. However, when its excessive, hindering your normal day to day life, it becomes a serious disorder. Good news is that disorder is treatable at anxiety psychological services Calgary.

Anxiety disorders come in several forms. Phobias are a fear of events, things or situations which never go away. Post traumatic disorder develops following a terrifying event causing victims to constantly relive the trauma through recollections and nightmares when they sleep. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive worrying, lasting at least six months long and accompanied by fatigue, restlessness and insomnia.

Prolonged uneasiness is generally characterized by excessive worrying. A lot of people worry about money, work, school, health etc even when there is nothing really to worry about. Another symptom is avoidance. Patients tend to avoid situations which cause them to become anxious which does not help. Patients may also be irritable, suffer sleeplessness, fatigue, trembling and headaches. Other people may find their muscles tense or urinate more frequently than normal.

These symptoms demand that you consult a psychologist after which an appointment is scheduled. The first session will require you to describe your condition in detail to enable the doctor properly diagnose your mental illness. Using the symptoms, the psychologist will draw a treatment plan for you. Usually, medicines or psychotherapy or both therapies are used.

Medicinal therapy is prescribed if the disorder is not severe or during the course of the psychotherapy to keep symptoms at bay. Medicinal therapy does not cure anxiety disorders as it does not address the cause. Such medicines include antidepressants, beta-blockers and SSRIs which must be prescribed by your doctor.

A psychotherapy session is the most common type of therapy prescribed based on its effectiveness. It involves talking to a trained and experienced professional about your condition in a bid to uncover the cause of this disorder and alleviate its symptoms. One of the most commonly applied therapies is cognitive-behavioral therapy aimed at changing thinking patterns and reaction of patients to situations that contribute to the disorder.

There are other effective skills a patient may employ to help deal with the condition. Self care and self help skills are important. Self care includes adequate sleep, exercising and eating healthy. Self help skills include proper time management, meditation, communication and positive self talk. For example, preparing adequately for a school test that may cause you to be anxious helps prevent the condition.

In the event of an anxious episode, take deep breathing and constant reassuring yourself that you can handle it. Try to focus on other things and not yourself and also the times when you dealt successfully with the situation at hand. This does not always help but a professional like a psychologist always helps. Their training is focused on helping patients deal with such episodes. Over time, after a successful therapy, the attacks become rare and may also go away for good.

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