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samedi 23 août 2014

What To Consider Before You Rent Medical Equipment

By Annabelle Holman

Before engaging in any work, it is a common practice to equip yourself with the right tools and equipment. This is the case with the practice of medicine. However, the task of acquiring the right and most suited device for work in this field is more involving and tiresome. This is attributed to the variation in quality and price among the products. Nevertheless, for one to realize the benefits and reap from his investment, it is important to access the services of these tools. That is why this article gives you some tips when planning to rent medical equipment.

Begin by finding out the kinds of device available for rental. The kinds of assets one can rent vary from one dealer to another. The following are some examples of medical devices you can access through a rental agreement; MRI machines, computers, EMR software, surgery tables, X-ray and ultrasound machines and imaging and diagnostic machines. However, not all equipment may be available for you.

There is also the need to protect your firm against obsolescence. Before deciding whether to rent or buy, ensure to analyze each option by matching the productive life of the device with the liability connected with the acquisition of the asset. Medical equipment depreciates at a very high rate and should be well provided for in the decision. Renting helps you to capitalize on the depreciation of your rather high-end equipment.

Like in any other decision, remember to obtain the necessary information. The feasibility of different projects can only be analyzed based on pertinent information. For, example, the cash flow of the different projects can be determined from the data obtained from the market analysis. As such examine the incremental cash flows of the project in an effort to ascertain their viability.

The dealer should provide you with assistance on a continuous basis, pertaining the operation, working, and maintenance of the very gadget. The reputation can be affirmed by referrals and even researching over the internet. The dealer must have a solid understanding of the technological devices and a stable relationship with its clients.

The other factor worth your interest is the cost of repair and maintenance. The initial step before settling on whether to rent is evaluating the maintenance cost implications of both alternatives. In a rental agreement, determine whether the responsibility of maintenance is upon you or retained by the company. Remember that where you are responsible for the maintenance, opt for the rental of less costly equipment in terms of maintenance. Devices that require high costs of maintenance should only be leased when the company retains the repair and maintenance service.

The schedule of repair and cost of service must also fall into play. It is important to note that throughout the rental period, you as the user is responsible for maintaining the device. It is hence important to opt for a deal that has a fair number of services together with a quite convenient service time. In addition, differentiate between the two types of leases (operating versus capital) and select the one that best suits your needs.

Simply put, the position of the firm and the general conditions and needs surrounding it enhances the final say. Be sure to select the most convenient choice for your practice.

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