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mercredi 9 avril 2014

Liquid Diet Review

By Susan Field

This is a brand new breed of liquid-diet-plan is based around a clever step-by-step system.

If you have ever struggled to lose weight and want a new approach then this 'meal replacement' diet plan is free to use and has a number of beneficial features that you might like.

How do meal replacement diets work?

The conventional wisdom of a meal replacement diet is one that takes over completely meaning you just consume all liquid calories.

The slimming type diets I mean are based around consuming sachets of mixed formula, they are generally made from poor quality vitamin supplements milk powder and artificial colours and sweeteners.

In slimming meal replacement diets all of your daily calorie allowance is provided by the packet of powder mixed with milk or water. There is something inherently unsatisfying in this.

The packet based meal substitutes mean you hardy consume any real food and end up in calorie deficit.

In my opinion sachet meal replacement diets are the least effective as they make you unhappy and only offer water weight loss, and all the time you are hungry your brain is thinking about cheeseburgers!

We now know that we would in fact be better off drinking 8 pints of milk per day for a week than wasting $75 on powder that makes you gain more weight than you initially lose.

How can I benefit from a real and effective liquid diet?

This new liquid diet plan is refreshingly different.

Firstly the way this liquid diet works does NOT use starvation or fasting of any kind.

If you want to feed the skinny you, the one on the inside then this high quality nutrition plan will fuel your desire for more.

Let me explain how it works. Hunger signals are not generated by lack of calories alone. Most experts now agree that the body 'craves' nutrition and needs certain foods too.

How come I sometimes over eat even when I feel full? This is because you have only satisfied the need for fuel (calories) but not the need for the high-quality 'nutrients' you need to thrive. Your body simply goes on looking for more food to fill the missing gaps.

To illustrate this problem better, let us imagine hunger is like a shopping list and we need to check off all the correct boxes in order to make a recipe right? Well hunger is like that recipe too. Hunger needs to be fully satisfied in order to work right. We need calories but also require complex vitamins and minerals make us complete.

The answer is to design a diet that can fulfil the needs of our appetite.

What is really good about knowing this is that we are now able to meet our nutritional needs first and calories second.

Feed nutritional needs fist calories second

The clever design of the liquid diet plan uses this knowledge to crate optimum recipes for the replacement diet.

Next steps

Forget that old approach that has failed you and choose a sustainable high-quality 'real food' dietary system that will work for ordinary men and women.

Michael offers a FREE 101 liquid diet blueprint to get you started. Jump right in for free today.

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