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mardi 10 février 2015

The Process Of UHMS Accreditation And Its Benefits

By Janine Hughes

Every new of the freestanding hyperbaric clinic has one primary goal; this is to be Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) accredited. It is not very easy as it requires heavy investment in quality medical equipment and quality staff. However, it has benefits that can completely transform the future of the hospital, putting it in a new level of playing field. It is the way to attract referrals from medical practitioners and to assure the regulators and the insurers that you meet the highest standards in the health care practice. The UHMS accreditation is not imposed on any medical facility, it is a voluntary program that offers a guarantee to other parties that the hyperbaric oxygen therapy provided in the clinic meets the rigorous industry standards, the clinic practice evidence based medicine, and that the facility provides high patient satisfaction with high ratings.

The accreditation processes is not very easy; the facilities have to meet stringent standards set by the body, and provide data to prove their conformity with the set requirements. The data to be provided focuses on policies and procedure, hyperbaric medicine quality offered, and patient safety and outcomes.

As such, a facility that intends to be accredited by this body should first start by assessing the extent to which its current facilities, staff, procedures, and practices conforms to standards set for the accreditation. The facility can seek help from consultants to help them conform to these requirements.

Good consultants should provide insight into the scope, time, and the resources necessary for the center to improve from its current status to the level that meets the survey requirements.

Ideally, there are a number of benefits that come from using a third party to guide the facility before the UHMS team come for the survey. They give a detailed report with the guideline of what should be done and when. This detailed interrelationship between the tasks to be completed and the resources necessary for the same ensures that the clinic is able to meet the standards on the right time without wastage of resources. In some instances, the consultants also help in the actual performance of some of the tasks.

The survey conducted consists of data gathering from many scopes of the facility's operation. For patient care, the data has to be gathered on issues such as assessment procedures, the care provision, patient education, and the patient rights. For the oxygen chamber, the data is gathered in areas including electrical installation, fabrication, ventilation, fire protection, and gas system.

If a facility is UHMS accredited, then this is a proof that it has been examined by a third party that is non-biased and has been found to be at par with the hospital environmental standards. In addition to this, it is a statement that the medical facility is run by a very competent medical team managing health providers that meet the required qualification. It is the best assurance the regulators and the insurance companies can get certified that the facility offers quality patient care and with high standards of safety.

The data gathered is then analyzed and if the clinic meets the standards, it gets accredited and can start enjoying the benefits that comes with it. The immediate benefits include the trust earned from insurance providers and increase number patients resulting from referral from physicians and practitioners. In the long run though, this translates to increased income and growth.

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