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samedi 29 novembre 2014

Abcs Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery In Mexico

By Christa Jarvis

The initial trauma check is the fastest possible detection of life-threatening injuries, which are for further treatment and transport of patients is important. In principle, all possible regions of body to be examined; the scope of investigation is necessarily adapted to situation. It will be manually examined for signs of traumatic impact head, shoulder girdle, arms, hands, chest, abdomen, pelvis, legs and feet (gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico).

Scoop stretcher to rescue; the two halves can be inserted independently of one another as two blades with the person to be rescued, and then reconnected to form a unit. Despite the usually limited medical capabilities of helicopters is a preferred mode of transport especially in rough terrain.

The NeuroCheck is used to test the functioning of nervous system of a physically disabled person. This sensitivity can be (pain sensation), motor skills, strength and blood flow studied. Particular importance to this investigation for suspected spinal injury or non-oriented patients. The investigation includes: pupil (light sensitivity, etc.), sensitivity (eg pain response in extremities by pinching in both hands / legs.) (Hands and legs move), motor skills, muscle strength (handshake should be the same on both hands), blood flow (pressure on finger nail). For emergency medical diagnostics usually are instrumental possibilities available. However, the equipment may vary in individual cases from site to site.

However, his contemporaries mocked him whether his discovery. A first milestone in development medicine was in 1740, a decree of Louis XV. On "The need for and methods of resuscitation, and the responsibility for reviving and equipping with rescue equipment". Within a short time then emerged in almost all European countries with analogous statement decrees.

Capnometry, the continuous measurement of CO2 in exhaled air is used to optimize the ventilation in ventilation and also for the estimation of body metabolism in resuscitation treatment. Find Semi-quantitative measurement method, typically a test for blood sugar to detect hypo- or hyperglycaemia, troponin to detect cardiac involvement (z. B. Myocardial infarction, severe angina pectoris), and optionally on toxic active substances (as in cases of suspected drug, barbiturate poisoning) also use.

With disaster medicine all measures are summarized, which are necessary in a mass attack of hurting or sick persons. It is in such a case, the link between emergency services and disaster protection and is based in respective rescue service or civil protection law of Federal States. Under such conditions, individual medical aspects can be taken into account only partially, so that basically has to take place the so-called triage the victims.

Typically manifest or impending shock states of different causes by suitable combinations of measures (puncture and catheterization techniques including conditioning central venous access) and drugs are treated (shock therapy). To ensure breathing are freeing the airway (foreign body removal - manually or by suction), the (endotracheal or supraglottic) intubation, cricothyroidotomy or tracheotomy as well as the manual and mechanical ventilation and possibly the chest tube necessary.

By emergency service, although the first medical care is guaranteed, but will be in disaster or major incidents also help local doctors, regardless of their field of study, used for assistance. In general, but the doctor can not refuse the treatment, provided he is competent. Are not enough doctors available, first aid and treatment of minor injury patterns are transferred to members emergency services and aid organizations, but also on health care professionals and volunteers.

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